Fee Schedule 2023

Fee Schedule 2023

Darul Ulum Academy requires payment of all fees and charges on or before the due date. Fees are billed in four cycles with each cycle issued prior to the subsequent term.

Year level1st child2nd child
$90 Discount
3rd child
$190 Discount
4th child
$380 Discount
5th and subsequent child(ren)
100% Discount
 Yearly FeeTerm FeeYearly FeeTerm FeeYearly FeeTerm FeeYearly FeeTerm FeeYearly FeeTerm Fee
(F – 3)

Capital Levy *

Capital Levy of $100 per student per term.

Extra-Curricular Levy *

Extra-Curricular Levy of $125 per student. Full rebate applicable to families with a valid Health Care Card between the period of January 2023 – June 2023.

The extracurricular levy is non-refundable. Whether a student’s enrolment at the school ceases voluntarily or otherwise, or if a student’s participation in any school event is restricted due to behavioural concerns, the levy payment will not be subject to refund.

Technology Levy *

An Annual Technology Levy for different year levels is charged as per the below amounts. This amount is charged in Term One invoice.

Year levelAmount
Primary (F – 3)$200.00

* All levies are non-refundable. Whether a student’s enrolment at the school ceases voluntarily or otherwise, or if a student’s participation in any school event is restricted due to behavioural concerns, the levy payment will not be subject to refund.

Books & Stationery

  • Primary students are provided with books and stationery by the school.


  • Parents holding a valid Healthcare Card between January 2023 and June 2023 will receive a $125.00 discount per student in the Term Three.
  • If full annual fees for every student in the family are paid by 30 November for the subsequent year, an up-front payment discount of $200 per student is applied. Note: There is a nil up-front payment discount when, in a family fee account, only some of the students’ annual fees are paid up-front.
  • Sibling discount per term is applied at $90 for the second child, $190 for the third child and $380 for the fourth child. The fifth and subsequent chid(ren) are exempt from the Tuition Fee and Capital Levy only. Other charges and levies do not attract discounts.