Year 6


The Primary Arts Department at Darul Ulum College of Victoria recognises the need to engage, inspire and enrich all students while encouraging them to reach their full artistic potential. The Arts department provides opportunities for students to learn how to create, design, represent, communicate and share their ideas, emotions, observations and experiences. Our aim is for students to develop a positive disposition towards learning and creating. This is done through many interactive experiences including incursions and student interest-based learning activities. Students also have exposure to many different forms of cultural art, including Islamic Art, they also explore the contributions of Our First Nations People.


Darul Ulum College of Victoria emphasizes the importance of reading, viewing, writing, listening, and speaking as active and integrated processes. The school promotes classroom activities that integrate these areas and contextualizes the gentleness, intellectuality, truthfulness, and manners of Prophet Mohammed PBUH to benefit students and others in real-life scenarios.

In Year 6, the English teachers aim to create a supportive and positive learning environment to enhance students' self-esteem, confidence, and competence in the English language, which in turn increases their life skills and enjoyment of English in a variety of contexts. The school believes that literacy is the foundation for effective learning in all areas of the curriculum, and it helps to create confident communicators, active listeners, creative writers, and imaginative thinkers. The literacy program is personalized to address the needs and interests of all students within the classroom through individual, peer or buddy support, small group, whole class activities, and reflection.

Assessment for learning programs is a critical component that guides the way in which curriculum learning experiences are planned and delivered. Ongoing monitoring of student achievements assists teachers in identifying student needs and setting goals for future learning in collaboration with individual students. These techniques enable staff to identify where a student is at and how to move their learning forward in the most effective way to meet their individual needs.

In Year 6, students engage with a variety of texts for enjoyment, including film and digital texts, novels, poetry, non-fiction, and dramatic performances. Literary texts include the oral narrative traditions and literature of First Nations Australians and classic and contemporary literature from wide-ranging Australian and world authors. Text structures may include chapters, headings and subheadings, tables of contents, indexes, and glossaries, and language features include complex sentences, unfamiliar technical vocabulary, figurative and idiomatic language, and information presented in various types of images and graphics.

Students in Year 6 create a range of imaginative, informative, and persuasive types of texts, such as narratives, procedures, performances, reports, reviews, poetry, expositions, explanations, and discussions for particular purposes and audiences. Darul Ulum College of Victoria’s literacy program aims to ensure that students achieve success through a rigorous and balanced program, tailored to their individual needs and interests, and to become confident communicators, active listeners, creative writers, and imaginative thinkers.


Humanities and Social Sciences in year 6 aims to ensure that students develop:

  • a sense of wonder, curiosity and respect about places, people, cultures and systems throughout the world, past and present, and an interest in and enjoyment of the study of these phenomena
  • key historical, geographical, civic, business and economic knowledge of people, places, values and systems, past and present, in local to global contexts
  • an understanding and appreciation of historical developments, geographic phenomena, civic values and economic factors that shape society, influence sustainability and create a sense of belonging
  • the capacity to use disciplinary skills, which includes appropriate questioning, researching using reliable sources, analysing, evaluating and communicating
  • Skills required to have an effective participation in everyday life, now and in the future, including the ability to problem-solve critically and creatively, make informed decisions, be a responsible and active citizen, make informed economic and financial choices, and reflect on ethics.

Our Humanities and social sciences lessons are personalised to address the needs and interests of all students within the classroom through a range of resources to enrich the skills and understanding in students. It is integrated into all areas of the curriculum such as English, Art, Technology and the like.

"Australia in the past and present, and its connections with a diverse world".

Year 6 students study Australia’s development as a nation since 1900, its political and economic status, and its role in the world. They learn about Federation, the Constitution, migration, Asian geography, and key democratic institutions. They also explore consumer choices and financial decision-making. Inquiry questions help develop their knowledge, understanding, and skills.

  • How have key figures, events and values shaped Australian society, its system of government and citizenship?
  • How have experiences of democracy and citizenship differed between groups over time and place, and what is the role of citizens in contributing to environmental, economic and social sustainability?
  • How has Australia developed as a society with global connections, and in what ways is Australia similar and different to other countries?


Science is the study of the natural world through observation and experimentation. There are many verses in the Quran that state the value of observing and reflecting on God’s creations. Hence, the importance of helping students discover and appreciate the wondrous world of science and its relevance to their daily lives.

In DUCV upper primary classrooms, we endeavour to integrate Science topics with other subjects. Teachers are encouraged to relate every concept taught to the magnificence of Allah’s creations. This enables students to appreciate the greatness of Allah as Al-Khaliq and build a more holistic connection to the topics they have learned in class.

To develop the understanding of the concepts taught, a lot of time and planning is spent developing scientific skills, such as questioning and predicting, planning and conducting investigations, processing and analysing data collected, and finally evaluating and communicating their findings through multimodal texts. Besides some engaging pen and paper activities, students enjoy regular hands-on activities, experiments, observations, incursions, excursions, annual science fair, etc. With these, we hope to motivate students to pursue Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) studies and careers.

In Year 6 students develop an understanding of interdependencies between systems as they explore the relationship between physical conditions of habitats and the growth and survival of living things and investigate the effect of the relative positions of Earth and the sun on phenomena such as day length. They identify and classify components in electrical circuits and learn to describe energy flows in terms of transfer and transformation. They are introduced to ways to classify changes to substances. Students begin to appreciate the role of controlling variables in fair testing and the value of accuracy in measurements. They generalise about relationships between events, phenomena and systems and use identified patterns, trends and relationships to develop scientific explanations and draw reasoned conclusions.


The educational philosophy of the year 6 Tarbiyah program is based on authentic guidance from the Quran and Sunnah. Students are introduced to the creative decree of Allah swt in both the physical and metaphysical realms. Through analyzing Allah’s sovereignty, power, mercy, and unfathomable wisdom, students can appreciate His grandeur, the multiplicity of His creations, and the role of humans as His honourable vicegerent on earth. This inculcates a sense of accountability in students towards their Creator for all the blessings that have been bestowed upon them and the need to uphold Tawhid (monotheism) in its purest form devoid of shirk. Students explore the virtues of the Quran both in a general sense and in the context of specific surahs. Thus, they are trained to appreciate the timelessness of the message it holds. The inclusion of Seerah excerpts allows a myriad of opportunities to examine the beautiful biography of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. More importantly, this serves to derive and apply lessons after learning about his lofty character. Students learn to contextualize his PBUH gentleness, intellectuality, truthfulness, and manners and apply them in real-life scenarios to benefit themselves and others. An important, although briefly discussed topic, is the contention with respect to Sunnah being the source of law. To further clarify, the anecdotes from the lives of the companions of the Prophet PBUH and Quranic inunctions on the very subject are also discussed. Relevant to today’s time and age, insight into rulings of eating foods considered haram according to Shariah such as pork and its derivates and dead animals is also a subject of discussion. Students are taught the fundamental and miscellaneous ruling of wudu while connecting it to the moral and spiritual aspect of salah. Within the enterprise of Islamic education is embedded an element of personal growth in terms of establishing Tawakkul upon Allah swt. Therefore, the discussion is built around topics that help students achieve conceptual clarity pertaining to Allah’s unlimited Qudrah, the role of man’s free will, and Kasab employed by him in the process. Prophet Sulayman’s story adds profound life lessons providing a moralistic outlook on life. Salah in its entirety (wajib, fard, translation, khushu’, etc) is an important element of instructional process in year 6.

The year level 6 curriculum is based on the social, moral, and spiritual growth of the students in accordance with the guidance from Shariah. Upon the completion of this important year level, students are well equipped with understanding topics such as the entity of Allah swt as being the ultimate sovereign and Rabb, the purpose of creation, and the role of man as His vicegerent on earth. Matters of utmost importance are critical analyses of deeds and actions monotheistic in nature versus those that are in the shirk category. In an attempt to set and achieve high moral standards in life, students are engaged in meaningful reflections on the excerpts from the life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The inclusion of the selective companions’ stories adds profound depth to the daily applicability of the various Sunnah practices. The main goal is to empower our students mentally and psychologically to be cognizant of their responsibilities in making the right choices while living in Western culture. Upholding regular salah inevitably leads to greater personal and spiritual growth which is imperative keeping in perspective the turbulent nature of today’s time and age. Among the areas of personal development, the concept of developing Tawaakul, in the light of the Quran and Sunnah, holds great significance in relation to its deep relatability aspects in the personal, religious, and professional capacities of young believers.

Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education enables students to develop skills, understanding and willingness to positively influence the health and wellbeing of themselves and their communities. In an increasingly complex, sedentary and rapidly changing world, it is critical for every young Australian to flourish as a healthy, safe, active and informed citizen. It is essential that young people develop their ability to respond to new health issues and evolving physical activity options.

Integral to Health and Physical Education is the acquisition and application of movement skills, concepts and strategies across a range of physical activity contexts. This enables students to participate confidently and competently when moving. Movement is a powerful medium for learning through which students can acquire and practise personal, social and cognitive skills. When learning in movement contexts, students gain skills, understanding and dispositions that support lifelong physical activity participation and enhanced movement performance.

In Health and Physical Education, students develop personal and social skills through interacting with others in classroom and movement contexts. They use health and physical activity resources to enhance their own and others’ wellbeing. Health and Physical Education addresses factors that influence the health, safety, relationships, wellbeing and physical activity patterns of individuals, groups and communities. Students develop the understanding to challenge discrimination, assumptions and stereotypes. They gain skills to take positive action regarding diversity, inclusion, consent and respect in different social contexts.

Health and Physical Education is presented in 2-year band level from Year 5 to Year 6. Content in Health and Physical Education is organised under 2 strands:

  • Personal, social and community health
  • Movement and physical activity

Incursions and Excursions

Students are encouraged to participate in various incursions and excursions to consolidate their learning.


  • Incursion/Excursion to the local library
  • Incursion on Public speaking
  • Excursion to the State Library of Victoria
  • Incursion Author visit


  • Excursion to the Melbourne Walkability
  • Incursion, Geography on Batik Art
  • Incursion for Economics on Market Manoeuvres


  • Science Incursion by Yakult
  • Science incursion on electricity
  • Science incursion on Chemical and Physical changes
  • Excursion to Science works/Planetarium


  • Maths incursion