Speech Therapy

At Darul Ulum College of Victoria, the Speech Pathology department supports students with speech/language difficulties who are funded through State or Commonwealth funding.

Speech Pathology Department 

Funded students from Grades Foundation to 4 receive direct intervention through the Speech Therapy Assistant (STA) Program (under the supervision of the Speech Pathologist), which is a collaborative approach to delivering regular and effective therapy in small groups.

Funded students who are in Grade 5 and above (including secondary school students) are seen individually or in pairs by one of the Speech Pathologists (Ms Aleks Gasic and Ms Maryam Imran) working at the school.

Tasks carried out by the Speech Pathologists at Darul Ulum College include the following:

  • Conducting assessments
  • Monitoring the STA Program
  • Provision of direct student intervention when applicable
  • Provision of classroom strategies for individual students
  • Managing and recording student progress and assessments
  • Providing information to teachers and school staff

If you have any/further queries, please email kduzgun@dulum.vic.edu.au.

Maryam Imran – Speech Pathologist
