The Quran and Science -An Integration Project for Year 7-10 Science Students

21 June 2017

The Quran and Science -An Integration Project for Year 7-10 Science Students

Secondary students at Darul Ulum College have been actively working on Science projects with the theme “The Quran and Science”. As part of their study on the periodic table, students completed an integration project in which they had to investigate one of the elements mentioned in Surah Al-Hadid. Below are some posters produced by our Year 10 Science students.

Did you know that more than 30 elements are referenced in Surat Al-Hadid in one way or another?

Other integration projects include: The Quran and Ecosystems; The Quran and Body Systems. The students’ hard work will be culminated in a Science Fair which will take place in week 3 of next term. Year 7-10 Science students should be working hard on their Science projects during the term break. There are excellent prizes to be won for the student who produces the best project in their year level. Best of luck to our student and Eid Mubarak to all!

[Ms. Adele Agha-Masri – Science Coordinator – Secondary Girls]
