Year 12 Chemistry Girls Visit La Trobe University

20 September 2017

Year 12 Chemistry Girls Visit La Trobe University

Year 12 Chemistry Girls Visit La Trobe University to Analyse A Variety of Substances Using Spectroscopic Techniques.

On Monday, the 17th of July, the year 12 Chemistry girls visited La Trobe University in Bundoora. The purpose of their visit was to analyse various substances using a variety of analytical instruments. The students determined the concentration of caffeine in a variety of different beverages using High Performance Liquid Chromatograph. They determined the amount of iron in a commercial iron tablet using UV-Vis Spectroscopy. Finally, they prepared an ester compound and used infrared spectroscopy to help them confirm its identity.

I am very proud of our chemistry students. Keep up the excellent work girls!

[Ms. Adele Agha-Masri – VCE Chemistry Teacher]
