Grade 1 Weather Incursion

20 September 2017

Grade 1 Weather Incursion

Grade ones were ecstatic during the weather incursion this term, conducted by the very engaging activities offered by Supreme Incursions. The students learnt how to replicate sustainable energy, using solar panels and wind power. They explored the tornado simulator and observed how the debris is thrown about due to the tornado’s spiralling force. They also explored the earthquake and high wind simulator, as well as the thunder catcher, feeling its vibrations and hearing its after sounds. The students dressed up a person according to the weather, using the provided iPad program. They especially enjoyed creating a rainbow using colourful skittles, by adding water to them and observing the colour seep out to make the most interesting rainbow hues. They then used the provided prisms to see rainbows using the light refractions in the classroom. The final snow making station was the most attractive to the kids, as they made their own snow by adding water to a mysterious powder (later on Muaaz Elleissy solved the mystery of the secret powder by telling the presenters that it was the stud inside baby nappies, to which all the students chorused “ewwwww!” in dismay at the idea of squishing nappy fillings 

Some made snowmen, some made snow over trees, cars and people, they were transported to another world and their enthusiasm was contagious. A teamwork activity involved one of the students spinning the weather wheel and the other dressing up accordingly, using the provided variety of attractive weather specific props. The other team members discussed and advised as to what to do, where and why. They then presented a weather report using a microphone and they really tried to look and play the part!

[Ms. Lamis Rafei – Grade 1 teacher]
